2024 A.L.I.C.E. Report
2023 A.L.I.C.E. Report
Using the data we collect to take strategic action and uncover the root causes of inequality, we can do the most good for the most people and turn voices into action.
We use the qualitative and quantitative data we collect to drive our work, inform the community about local needs, and raise funds to help provide for the most vulnerable children, families, and seniors.
The number of households in financial hardship in Idaho continues to be undercounted in official measures. According to the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), 11% of households in Idaho (76,184) were in poverty in 2021. Yet United For ALICE data shows that another 32% (218,395 households) - nearly three times as many - were ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). ALICE households earn above the FPL, but not enough to afford the basics in the communities where they live.
The reality is that of the 681,926 households in Idaho, 294,579 - 43% - had income below the ALICE Threshold of Financial Survival in 2021. These included both households in poverty and ALICE households.
The crux of the problem is a mismatch between earnings and the cost of basics. For example, 43% of cashiers (one of the most common occupations in Idaho) were below the ALICE Threshold in 2021. These workers earned a median hourly wage of $11.16 - not even enough to cover the ALICE Household Survival Budget for one worker employed full time ($12.45 per hour), much less for a family with children, even with two adults working (combined wage of $32.92 per hour).
2023 A.L.I.C.E. Report
Did you know?
Every school district, county, and city looks to United Way's community outreach data to understand our community's challenges.
READY for Kindergarten
READY for Kindergarten
READY for Kindergarten's FREE parent kindergarten workshops focus on three crucial areas of child development, three items a year. Language & Literacy; Language, Math and Reasoning, and Language, and Emotional Development. This initiative deeply impacts early childhood learning.
READY! for Kindergarten is a national, research-based program designed to build upon each other to "ramp up" each year as the child grows, beginning in early infancy and continuing until the Spring before kindergarten typically begins. Parents can attend up to 15 unique workshops before their child starts school!
Parents receive new, challenging, high-quality toys, games, books, music, and activities based on their child's developing abilities at each workshop. These "tools" are carefully chosen by the READY! for Kindergarten child development experts to be fun and easy to use, to support the READY! curriculum and state standards, and to help develop targeted skills for each workshop's age group. Classes are presented in the evenings in both English and Spanish.
Did you know?
Reading aloud together for 20 minutes daily helps a child's vocabulary grow and expand, exposing them to 1.8 million words annually!
Email us or call (208) 733-4922 to register for our kindergarten workshop.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library inspires a love of reading by gifting books to children from birth to age 5 through funding shared by Dolly Parton and local community partners. Free high-quality books to children from birth until they begin school-no matter their family income. Sign up soon; this is an excellent summer reading program!
Did you know?
Students can lose up to three months of reading skills during the summer break?
Poor summer reading habits can produce a three-year achievement gap by fifth grade! Generous, caring
individuals have come together to raise funds for this program to be available in the Magic Valley.
The goal is that every child has a book and an opportunity to succeed.