United Way of South Central Idaho is embracing the Community Schools model, bringing together nonprofit organizations, health and educational services, school districts, and volunteers to enhance the availability of resources in locations and neighborhoods of high need.
Students' educational success, health, and well-being are the focus of each community school,
with three interconnected support systems becoming the foundation.
A Community School is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources, which leads to improved student learning, stronger families, and healthier communities.
What's a Community Strategy School involve?
- Core Instructional Program: Strong school leadership and academic practice designed to help all students meet high academic standards.
- Expanded Learning Opportunities: Before, after, and summer school programs designed to enrich the learning environment for children and their families.
- Comprehensive Support Services: Full range of health, mental health, and social services designed to promote children's well-being and remove barriers to learning.
Did you know?
United Way's Community School Strategy program is active in Jerome and Minidoka.

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